Rose Marie Ward, PhD

Assistant Professor

Miami University
Ohio, OH 45056
United States of America
+ 513-529-2700

Areas of Interest 
Statistics, Research Methodology,
Emotion Regulation, Health Psychology, Behavior Change,
Sexual Assault, Alcohol Use
Publications (select recent)

Messman-Moore TL, Ward RM & Brown AL. Substance Use Mediates the Impact of PTSD Symptoms on Rape and Revictimization in College Women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence  (in press).

Gazabon SA, Morokoff P, Harlow LH & Ward RM. Comparing white and minority populations on prediction of condom use. Ethnicity and Health (in press).

Ubbes VA & Ward RM. Design of a conceptual model for the study of education, health, and communication: Professional preparation issues. Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2007; 5(1): 30-38.

Gazabon SA, Morokoff P, Harlow LL, Ward RM & Quina K. Applying the Transtheoretical Model. Health Education & Behavior Online 2006 May 31 (published online), 2006. Health Education & Behavior 2007; 34(2): 297-314.

Zullig KJ, Ward RM & Horn T. The association between spirituality, religiosity, and life satisfaction: the mediating role of self-perceived health. Social Indicators Research 2006; 79: 255-274.

Velicer WF, Fava JL, Prochaska JO, Ward RM, Keller S, Friedman RH, Ramelson H, Robins RH & Gulliver SB. Comparing participants and non-participants recruited for a effectiveness study of nicotine replacement therapy. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2005; 29: 181-191.

Ward RM, Velicer WF, Rossi JS, Fava JL & Prochaska JO. The Invariance of the Decisional Balance Scales Using a Population of Smokers. Addictive Behaviors 2004; 29: 953-958.


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Last update: 01/06/2008