Ramiro Verissimo, MD, PhD

Professor in Medical Psychology

Medical Psychology
Porto University Faculty of Medicine
Rua Aurelia de Sousa, 19 - 1
4000-099 Porto
+351-22 551 3672 x 5764
+351-22 551 9571

Areas of Interest 
Psychosomatics, emotionality in health and disease

Verissimo R. Emotional Intelligence, Social Support and Affect Regulation. Acta Med Port. 2005; 18(5): 345-52. Portuguese.

Veríssimo R. The Assessment of Alexithymia: a Psychometric Study Comparing Two Self-Report Measurements (abstract). Journal of Psychosomatic Research – Abstracts of the 18th World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine 2005; 58(6): S11

Verissimo R. A pessoa com Doença Inflamatória do Intestino [The person with inflammatory bowel disease]. Rev Port Psicossom 2004; 6(1): 27-9.

Verissimo R. Inteligência Emocional: da Alexitimia ao Controlo Emocional [Emotional Intelligence: From Alexithymia to Emotional Control]. Acta Med Port. 2003; 16(6): 407-11. Portuguese.

Oliveira T, Abelha F, Veríssimo R. Índices de gravidade e predição de mortalidade pós-operatória numa Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos de Transplante Hepático (UCI-TxH) [Severity scoring systems and postoperative mortality prediction in an Orthotopic Liver Transplantation Intensive Care Unit (OLT-ICU)]. Arq Medicina 2003; 17 (1/2/3): 23-24. Portuguese.

Veríssimo R, Sá LO, Barreto J. Control as an approach to preventing burnout among health care personnel (abstract). Journal of Psychosomatic Research – Abstracts of the 17th World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine 2003; 55(2): 174

Verissimo R. Desenvolvimento psicossocial. Erik Erikson [Psychosocial development. Erik Erikson]. Porto: Medisa/FMUP, 2002. [ISBN 972-9027-12-9]  Portuguese.

Verissimo R. Personality and Quality of Life among Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients (abstract). Psychosomatic Medicine – Abstracts of Papers for 2002 Annual Meeting 2002; 64(1): 143

Verissimo R. Versão Portuguesa da Escala de Alexitimia de Toronto de 20-itens — I. Adaptação linguística, validação semântica, e estudo de fiabilidade
[The Portuguese Version of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale - I. Linguistic adaptation, semantic validation, and reliability study]. Acta Med Port 2001; 14: 33-42. Portuguese.

Verissimo R. Emotional Intelligence, Social Support and Affect Regulation (abstract). 16th Worl Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine – Abstract Book. Goteborg, Sweden: ICPM – International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, 24-29 Aug 2001.

Verissimo R. Personalidade: Conhecer as Pessoas [Personality. To know the persons]. Porto: Medisa/FMUP, 2001 [ISBN 972-8105-29-0] Portuguese.

Verissimo R. To be aware of or else holding back emotions among inflammatory bowel disease patients: quality of life repercussions of some related aspects. Rev Port Psicossom 2001; 3(1): 83-94.

Verissimo R. James W Pennebaker: das emoções na saúde - o potencial terapêutico de desabafar [James W Pennebaker: about emotions in health - the therapeutic potential of disclosure] Rev Port Psicossom 2000; 2(2): 201-3.

Verissimo R. Emotional Intelligence: From Alexithymia to Emotional Control (abstract). J Psychosom Res 2000; 48(3): 273.

Verissimo R. Emoção: Da (não)Expressão na Saúde e na Doença [Emotion: On the (non)expression in health and disease]. Porto: Medisa/FMUP, 2000 [ISBN 972-8105-21-5] Portuguese.

Verissimo R, Taylor G, Bagby M. Relationships between Alexithymia and Locus of Control. New Trends in Experimental and Clinical Psychiatry 2000; XVI(1-4): 11-6.1

Verissimo R, Taylor G, Bagby M. Relationships between Alexithymia and Locus of Control (abstract). In Vingerhoets and Nyklícek (eds) Second International Conference on The (Non)Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease - Abstracts 99. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press, 1999 PO8- p84

Verissimo R. Considerations on emotional development: to be aware of or else holding back emotions among inflammatory bowel disease patients. Rev Port Psicossom 1999; 2(1): 83-90.

Veríssimo R, Mota-Cardoso R, Taylor G. Relationships between Alexithymia, Emotional Control and Quality of Life in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Psychother and Psychosom, 1998; 67: 61-70.

Verissimo R. Doença Inflamatória do Intestino: Factores Psicológicos (tese de doutoramento) [Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Psychological Factors (doctoral thesis)]. Porto: FMUP, 1997, 2000 [ISBN 972-8105-20-7] Portuguese.

Mota-Cardoso R, Veríssimo R, Moura L. Estudo prospectivo de um Acidente de Vida [Prospective study of a Life Event] Psiq Clin 1996; 17 (4): 277-290. Portuguese.

Verissimo R. Qualidade de vida e doença inflamatória do intestino: investigação e clínica [Quality of Life and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: investigation and clinical practice]. Arq Hepato-Gastrenterol Port, 1996. V5(2): 63-69. Portuguese.

Veríssimo R, Mota-Cardoso R. Alexithymia, Emotional Expression and Control and Quality of Life in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (abstract). Proceedings of the Conference on the (Non)Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease, 1996. Abstracts. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press, 1996.

Veríssimo R, Magro F, Tavarela-Veloso. Qualidade de vida na doença inflamatória do intestino: preocupações específicas e estado funcional (abstract). [Quality of Life in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: specific concerns and functional state] Rev GE - J Port Gastrenterol, N supl do XVI Gongr Gastrenterol 1996; V3(2): 18. Portuguese.

Veríssimo R, Magro F, Tavarela-Veloso. Qualidade de vida e estado de saúde dos pacientes com doença inflamatória do intestino (abstract). [Quality of Life and health state among Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients] Rev GE - J Port Gastrenterol, N supl do XVI Gongr Gastrenterol 1996; V3(2): 18. Portuguese.

Verissimo R. Psicopatologia e Saúde Mental na estrutura do humor: avaliação de retraimento, dependência e vigor pelo MAACL [Psychopathology and Mental Health in the Mood Structure: retreat, dependence and strength as MAACL measurements]. Arq Medicina, 1996. 9: 21-28. Portuguese.

Verissimo R. Expectativas de controlo no contexto da personalidade: ainda a propósito da estrutura factorial do IPC de Levenson [Expectancy of Control in the Context of Personality: still about the factorial structure of Levenson's IPC]  Acta Med Port, 1996. 10(2): 140-151. Portuguese.

Verissimo R. Da educação médica ao humanismo impossível (on-line publication). [From Medical education onto humanism made impossible (on-line publication)]. 1995. Portuguese.

Verissimo R. Qualidade de vida [Health Related Quality of Life] In Carneiro Caves e Tavarela Veloso (Eds). Doença Inflamatória Intestinal; Biblioteca Gastrenterológica. Lisboa: Permanyer Portugal. 1995: 133-8 [ISBN 972-733-018-5] Portuguese.

Palha AP, Ferreira L, Veríssimo R. Double-blind trial on the action of sultopride and propericiazine on pathological manifestations of aggressiveness. Acta Psiq Port. 1991; V37 (July/October): 76-80. Portuguese.

Lume J, Moura M, Veríssimo R. Diferenças motivacionais entre dialisados e transplantados renais [Motivational dispositions among dyalised and renal transplanted patients]. Arq Medicina. 1991; 4 (3): 243-8. Portuguese.

Fonseca AF, Paiva FM, Veríssimo R. O trazodone na Clínica Geral [Trazodone in General Practice]. Rev Psiq Dep S Mental. 1990; II série (XII) 3-4: 72-76. Portuguese.

Verissimo R. Processamento de sinal em redes neuronais: conceptualização, contributos e perspectivas [Signal processing in neural networks: conceptualization, contributions and perspectives]. J Policlínico. 1990; 293: 6-13. Portuguese.

Verissimo R. Fobia escolar - revisão a propósito de um caso [School phobia - revision about a case]. Bolet CSMIJP. 1990; 12(IV): 1-22. Portuguese.

Verissimo R. As duas faces da clínica. The great psychiatric swindle [The two faces of clinical practice: the great psychiatric swindle]. J Med. 1989; 127 (2319): 13-4. Portuguese.

Mota-Cardoso R, Veríssimo R, Pais AB, Palhinhas J, Moura L. Avaliação do meio, autoconceito, e mecanismos de coping. Determinantes apriorísticos dos traços psicopatológicos [Environment appraisal, self-concept, and coping mechanisms: aprioristic determinants of the psychopathological traits]. Psiq Clin. 1988; 9 (4): 239-265. Portuguese.

Mota-Cardoso R, Veríssimo R, Pais AB, Moura L. O Inventário Clínico de Autoconceito de Vaz Serra e o Diferenciador Semântico de Osgood: dois instrumentos de medida do autoconceito em correlação [Vaz Serra's Self-concept Clinical Inventory and Osgood's Semantic Differential: correlation between two means of self-concept assessment]. Psiq Clin. 1986; 7 (4): 273-284. Portuguese.

Mota-Cardoso R, Moura L, Pais AB, Veríssimo R. O autoconceito e as perturbações psicopatológicas de nível neurótico: O Inventário Clínico de Autoconceito de Vaz Serra, o Diferenciador Semântico de Osgood, e o Questionário do Hospital Middlesex - estudos estatísticos de correlação - [Self-concept and psychopathological syndromes of neurotic level: Vaz Serra's Self-concept Clinical Inventory, Osgood's Semantic Differential, and Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire - studies with statistic correlations]. Psiq Clin. 1986; 7 (3): 189-193. Portuguese.

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