Rodrigo Becerra, B Psych, M Clin Psych

PhD Student in Philosophy

Murdoch University
South Street, Murdoch
Perth, Western Australia


He is a clinical Psychologist at the State Head Injury Unit, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. Nedlands, WA Australia where he conducts neuropsychological assessments and therapy.

Areas of Interest 

Neuropsychological syndromes and emotional pathology: non-phenomenal events affecting phenomenal consciousness.

Currently writing a book chapter on “Emotional processing as informed by emotional blindness” (to be published in 2005).

Becerra, R. Against the non-integrative theory of emotions. (Submitted)

Becerra, R. Neuropsychological and psychological correlates of a mild tumorous right thalamic lesion (Submitted)

Becerra, R. and Collins, M. Emotional processing as informed by emotional blindness. In F. Columbus (Ed.) Psychology of Moods. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2005. (Accepted for publication).

Becerra, R. Amos, A. and Jongenelis, S. Emotional blindness as a result of a brain lesion: An illustration of Organic Alexithymia. Psychiatry Review. 2004; Issue 1.

Becerra, R. “Atmosphere”, a precursor of “cognitive schemas”. Tracing tacit phenomenological influences on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy”. Indo Pacific Journal of Phenomenology. 2004; Vol.4 (1) August.

Becerra, R. Homonymous mistakes with ontological aspirations; the persisting problem with the word "consciousness”. Electronic Journal of Analytical Philosophy. 2004, July; Sorites.

Becerra, R. Problems with the word “consciousness”. Doxa. 2003; 5: 3-10.

Becerra, R. Blindsight and Consciousness. Philosophical Writings, 2003, Autumn; 21: 39-54

Becerra R, Amos A, Jongenelis S. Organic alexithymia: a study of acquired emotional blindness. Brain Injury. 2002 Jul; 16(7): 633-45.

Becerra, R. Introducing Consciousness. Doxa. 2002; 4: 1-6.

Becerra, R. Understanding the brain. Acquired Brain Injury. Training Manual. State Head Injury Unit. Health Department of Western Australia, 2002.

Becerra, R. Challenging Behaviours. Acquired Brain Injury. Training Manual. State Head Injury Unit. Health Department of Western Australia, 2002.

Becerra, R. Gaps in services for people with head injuries. Connect. Mental Health Matters in Western Australia. 2000; 5(1): 25.

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Last update: 21/08/2004