Peter Paul Moorman

Bob Bermond, Harry Vorst, Nico Brand, Peter P. Moorman and Francine Albach

Leiden University
PO Box 9500
2300 RA, Leiden
The Netherlands

Areas of Interest 
Types of alexithymia and personality disorders.
Alexithymia and dissociation.
Neurobiology of alexithymia types.
Alexithymia types and stress resilience in sport.

Moormann, P.P., Bermond, B., & Albach. The Reality Escape Model: The intricate relation between alexithymia, dissociation, and anesthesia in victims of child sexual abuse. In Ivan Nyklicek, Ad Vingerhoets, & Lydia Temoshok (Eds.), Emotional Expression and Health. Brunner Routledge (in press) pp. 82-98.

Moormann, P.P., Bermond, B., & Rood, L. Een wekmodel voor stressbestendigheid [A working model for stress resilience, based on 5 alexithymia subtypes]. In P.P. Moormann & R. Pijpers, (Eds.). Scoren tussen de oren: De theorie en praktijk van individuele mentale training [Theory and practice of individual mental training]. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, (in press).

Moormann, P.P., & Rood, L. Origins and expression of alexithymia subtypes in relation to psychological health. In Johan Denollet, Ivan Nyklicek, and Ad Vingerhoets (Eds.), Abstracts of the Third International Conference on The (Non)Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press, 2003: p 47.

Moormann, P.P., Brand, N., Behrendt, E., & Massink, J. A conceptualization of alexithymia and defense mechanisms in relation to lateral brain dominance. In F.J Maarse, A.E. Akkerman, A.N. Brand, & L.J.M. Mulder (Eds.), Clinical Assessment, Computerized Methods, and Instrumentation. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 2003: pp. 71-91.

Moormann, P.P., Bermond, B., Albach, F., & Dorp, I. van. The etiology of alexithymia from the perspective of childhood sexual abuse. In Ad Vingerhoets, Frans van Bussel, & Jan Boelhouwer (Eds.), The (non)expression of emotions in health and disease. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press, 1997:  pp. 139-153.


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Last update: 12/02/2004 [Picture October 2007]