Olivier Luminet, PhD

Olivier Luminet
Research Unit for Emotion, Cognition, and Health (ECSA)

Dept of Psych
University of Louvain (UCL)
10, Place Cardinal Mercier
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
+32 10 47 8701
+32 10 47 4834

Areas of Interest 

Personality, health, and emotion. Moderating effects of alexithymia, optimism, and emotional intelligence on emotional perception, categorization and memory at explicit and implicit levels

Emotions and memory: study of flashbulb memories at an individual and a collective level.

Validation of scales related to personality dimensions involved in emotion regulation (e.g., emotional intelligence, alexithymia, empathy, Š)



Luminet O. Psychologie des émotions. Confrontation et évitement. [Psychology of emotion. Confrontation and avoidance]. Brussels: De Boeck Université, 2002.


A. International journals with peer review

de Timary, P., Roy, E., Luminet , O., Fillée C., & Mikolajczak, M. Relationship between alexithymia, alexithymia factors and salivary cortisol in men exposed to a social stress test. Psychoneuroendocrinology (in press)

Gay, M.C., Hanin, D., & Luminet, O. Effectiveness of an hypnotic imagery intervention on reducing alexithymia. Contemporary Hypnosis, 2008; 25 (1), 1-13.

Gay, M. C., Philippot, P, & Luminet, O. Differential effectiveness of psychological interventions for reducing osteoarthritis pain: A comparison of hypnosis and relaxation. European Review of Pain, 2002; 6: 1-16.

Luminet, O., Bagby, R. M., & Taylor, G. J. An evaluation of the absolute and relative stability of alexithymia in patients with major depression. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics,  2001; 70: 254-260.

Curci, A., Luminet, O., Finkenauer, C., & Gisle, L. Flashbulb memories in social groups: A comparative study of the memory of French president Mitterrand’s death in a French and a Belgian group. Memory, 2001; 9: 81-101.

Luminet, O., Bouts, P., Delie, F., Manstead, A. S. R., & Rimé, B. Social sharing of emotion following exposure to a negatively valenced situation. Cognition and Emotion,  2000; 14: 661-688.

Luminet, O., Zech, E., Rimé, B., & Wagner, H. L. Predicting cognitive and social consequences of emotional episodes: The contribution of emotional intensity, the Five Factor Model and alexithymia. Journal of Research in Personality, 2000; 34: 471-497.

Zech, E., Luminet, O., Rimé, B., & Wagner, H. L. Alexithymia and its measurement. Confirmatory factor analyses of the twenty-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale and the Bermond-Vorst alexithymia questionnaire. European Journal of Personality, 1999; 13: 511-532.

Luminet, O., Bagby, R. M., Wagner, H. L., Taylor, G. J., & Parker, J. D. A. Relation between alexithymia and the Five Factor Model of personality: A facet level analysis. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1999; 73: 345-358.

Finkenauer, C., Luminet, O., Gisle, L., van der Linden, M., El-Ahmadi, A., & Philippot, P. Flashbulb memories and the underlying mechanisms of their formation: Towards an Emotional-Integrative Model. Memory and Cognition,  1998; 26: 516-531.

Rimé, B., Finkenauer, C., Luminet, O., Zech, E., & Philippot, P. Social sharing of emotion: New evidence and new questions. European Review of Social Psychology, 1998; 9: 145-189.

Luminet, O. La norme d'internalité dans la consultance en recrutement. Variations et clairvoyance dans l'emploi des critères attributifs [Internality norm in personal selection. Variations and access towards attribution criterion]. Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale/International Review of Social Psychology, 1996; 9: 69-89.

B. National journals with peer review

Bastin, Ph., Luminet, O., Buysschaert, M., & Luts, A. Diabetes control and alexithymia. The role of identification and verbalization of emotion [Contrôle du diabète et alexithymie. Le rôle de l'identification et de la verbalisation des émotions]. Louvain Médical, 2004.

C. Book chapters

Finkenauer, C., Gisle, L., & Luminet, O. When collective memories are socially shaped: Flashbulb memories of socio-political events. In J. W. Pennebaker, D. Paez & B. Rimé (Eds.), Collective memories of political events: Social and psychological perspectives. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 1997, pp.191-208. (translated in Spanish).

Luminet, O. Assessment and measurement of rumination. In C. Papageorgiou and A. Wells (Eds.), Rumination: Nature, theory, and treatment of negative thinking in depression. Chichester: Wiley, 2004, pp. 187-215.

Luminet, O., Curci, A., Marsh, E. J., Wessel, I., Constantin, T., Gencoz, F., & Yogo, M. The cognitive, emotional, and social impact of the September 11th Attacks: Group differences in memory for the reception context and its determinants. In B. Kokinov & W. Hirst (Eds.), Constructive memory. Sofia, Bulgaria: New Bulgarian University, 2003, pp. 210-223.

Luminet, O., Taylor, G. J., & Bagby, R. M. La mesure de l’alexithymie. In M. Corcos & M. Speranza (Eds)., Psychopathologie de l'alexithymie. Paris : Dunod, 2003, pp. 183-204.

Taylor, G. J., Bagby, R. M., & Luminet, O. Assessment of alexithymia: Self-report and observer-rated measures. In J.D.A. Parker and R. Bar-On (Eds.). The handbook of emotional intelligence. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass, 2000, pp. 301-319.

D. Proceedings

Luminet, O., Bagby, R. M., Taylor, G. J., Vermeulen, N., & Demaret, C. Alexithymia and the processing of emotional information: Evidence for a deficit in the recall of emotion. Psychosomatic Medicine, 2002; 64: 87-88.

Luminet, O. Finkenauer, C., & Gisle, L. An emotional-integrative model of the flashbulb memory formation. In A. Fischer (Ed.), ISRE '98. Proceedings of the Xth conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions 1998. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: International Society for Research on Emotion,  1998, pp. 25-29.

Luminet, O. & Rimé, B. Assessing the empirical validity of alexithymia: Its predictive value for various levels of emotional responding when exposed to an eliciting situation and when reevoking it verbally. In A. Fischer (Ed.), ISRE '98. Proceedings of the Xth conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions 1998. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: International Society for Research on Emotion, 1998, pp. 255-260.

Luminet, O. , Zech, E., Rimé, B., & Wagner, H. L. Le rôle des "Big Five" et de l'"alexithymie" comme facteurs de réponses stables dans le partage social des émotions [The role of the "Big Five" and alexithymia as stable predictors of social sharing of emotion]. Proceedings of the Association for Cognitive Research [Actes du colloque de l'Association pour la Recherche Cognitive] (Vol. 6). Villeneuve d’Ascq, France: Presses Universitaires de Lille, 1996, pp. 13-18.

E. In press

Dijksterhuis, A., Corneille, O, Aarts, H., Vermeulen, N., & Luminet, O. Yes, there is a preferential detection of negative stimuli: A response to Labiouse. Psychological Science (in press).

Luminet, O., Curci, A., Marsh, E. J., Wessel, I., Constantin, T., Gencoz, F., & Yogo, M. The Cognitive, Emotional and Social Impacts of the September 11th Attacks: Group Differences in Memory for the Reception Context and the Determinants of Flashbulb Memory. Journal of General Psychology (in press).

Luminet, O., Rimé, B., Bagby, R. M., & Taylor, G. J. A multimodal investigation of emotional responding in alexithymia. Cognition and Emotion (in press).

Luminet, O., & Vermeulen, N. Personnalité et psychopathlogie cognitive [Personality and cognitive psychopathology]. In M. van der Linden & G. Ceschi (Eds.), Traité de psychopathologie cognitive [The Handbook of cognitive psychopathology]. Marseille: Solal (in press).

F. Vulgarization

Luminet O. Souvenirs flashes: Le rôle des émotions [Flashbulb memories: The role of emotion] . Sciences Humaines, 2000; 107: 34-37.

G. Submitted for publication

Luminet, O., Vermeulen, N., & Corneille, O. Alexithymia, Optimism and the Automatic Processing of Affective Information. 2003 [Manuscript submitted for publication].

Luminet, O., Vermeulen, N., Demaret, C., Bagby, R. M. , & Taylor, G. J. Levels of processing and alexithymia. 2003 [Manuscript submitted for publication].

Luminet, O., De Timary, P., Buysschaert, & M. Luts, A. The Role of Alexithymia in Long-Term Glucose Control of Patients with Type 1 Diabetes: A Pilot Study. 2003 [Manuscript submitted for publication].

Corneille, O., Vermeulen, N., Luminet, O., & Dijksterhuis, A. A stronger test for the asymetric lexical-affective dissociation hypothesis. 2003 [Manuscript submitted for publication].

Luminet, O., Rimé, B., & Wagner, H. L. Intrusive Thoughts Following Exposure to a Negatively Valenced Situation: Relationships with Intrusive Ruminations, Social Sharing of Emotion and Metacognitions about the Thinking Process.. 2002 [Manuscript submitted for publication].

Scientific editor

Geerart, N., Herbette, G. & Luminet. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society. Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 2001.

Poster sessions at scientific meetings

Vermeulen, N., Luminet, O., & Corneille, O. (2002, July). Effects of congruent and incongruent primes on positive and negative words : Is it moderated by the alexithymia level ? Poster presented at the XIIth Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion, Cuenca, Spain.

Vermeulen, N., Luminet, O., & Corneille, O. (2002, April). Alexithymia and affective priming. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society, Leuven, Belgium.

Vermeulen, N., Luminet, O., Bagby, R. M., & Taylor, G. J. (2001, October). Alexithymie et traitement de l’information émotionnelle : évidences en faveur d’un déficit au niveau de l’encodage sémantique {Alexithymia and the processing of emotional information: Evidences for a deficit at the semantic level of encoding}. Poster presented at the Congrès national de la Société Française de Psychologie, Paris, France.

Luminet, O. , Bagby, R. M., Taylor, G. J., & Vermeulen, N. (2001, June). Alexithymia and the processing of emotional information: Evidences for a deficit at the semantic level of encoding. Poster presented at the international conference on “Feelings and Emotion”, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Gay, M. C., Luminet, O., & Philippot, P. (1999, August). Differential effectiveness of psychological interventions for reducing osteoarthritis pain: A comparison of hypnosis and relaxation. Poster presented at the International Association for the Study of Pain, Vienna, Austria.

Luminet, O., & Bagby, R. M. (1999, June). The relationship between alexithymia and the Five Factor Model of personality: A facet level analysis. Poster presented at the Second International Conference on "the (Non)Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

Zech, E., Luminet, O., Rimé, B., & Wagner, H. (1996, August). Alexithymia and its measurement: Comparison of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale and the Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire. Poster presented at the First International Conference on "the (Non)Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

Luminet, O., & Rimé, B. (1996, August). Influence of alexithymia on physiological, expressive and subjective emotional reactions. Poster presented at the First International Conference on "the (Non)Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

Luminet, O., Zech, E., Rimé, B., & Wagner, H. (1996, July). The role of the "Big Five" and of alexithymia in processes of reconfrontation to negative emotional episodes. Poster presented at the 8th European Conference on Personality, Ghent, Belgium.

Luminet, O., Lewicka, M., & Wagner, H. (1996, July). Counterfactual thinking: How the past/future orientation affects emotional states. Poster presented at the 11th general meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Gmunden, Austria.

Rimé, B., Zech, E., Finkenauer, C., Luminet, O., & Dozier, S. (1996, July). Different modalities of sharing emotions and their impact on emotional recovery. Poster presented at the 11th general meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Gmunden, Austria.

Luminet, O., Rimé, B., & Wagner, H. L. (1995, April). Individual differences in social sharing of emotion and mental rumination. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Consortium of European Research on Emotion, Paris, France.

Luminet, O., Bouts, P., Rimé, B., Manstead, A. S. R., & Delie, F. (1993, September). Two experimental studies on the social sharing of emotions. Poster session presented at the 10th general meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal.

Luminet, O., Finkenauer, C., & Rimé, B. (1993, May). Positive and negative life-events: Their impact on implicit beliefs about the self, the others and the world. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Belgian Psychological Association, Ghent, Belgium.

Oral presentations at scientific meetings

Luminet, O. (2004, January). Personnalité normale et personnalité pathologique. Apport du modèle en cinq facteurs à l'étude des troubles de la personnalité. [Normal and abnormal personality. Contribution of the five-factor model to the study of personality disorders]. Paper presented at the clinical colloquium on anxiety disorders, Psychology Department, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Vermeulen, N., Luminet, O., & Corneille, O. (2003, October). Alexithymia, Optimism, and affective priming. In O. Luminet (Chair), New developments in alexithymia research. Symposium conducted at the Third International Conference on The (Non)Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Other presentations

Corneille, O., Vermeulen, N., & Luminet, O. (2003, September). A stronger test for the asymmetric lexical-affective dissociation hypothesis. Paper presented at the XIIIth conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Granada, Spain.

Luminet, O., Taylor, G. J., & Bagby, R. M. (2003, September). The measurement of the alexithymia construct. In M. Corcos (Chair), Alexithymia in child and adolescent mental disorders. Symposium conducted at the 12th International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Paris, France.

Luminet, O., Vermeulen, N., & Corneille, O. (2003, August). Alexithymia, optimism and the automatic processing of affective information. In J. De Houwer, P. de Jong, & G. Crombez (Chairs), Special interest meeting on the use of indirect measures of attitudes and associations in clinical and health psychology, Diksmuide, Belgium.

Luminet, O., Curci, A., Marsh, E. J., Wessel, I., Constantin, T., Gencoz, F., & Yogo, M. (2003, July). The cognitive, emotional, and social impact of the September 11th Attacks: Group differences in memory for the reception context and its determinants. Paper presented at the Advanced Interdisciplinary Workshop on Constructive Memory: Data and Models. Sofia, Bulgaria: New Bulgarian University.

Luminet, O. (2003, March). Les émotions: Confrontation et évitement. [Emotions: Confrontation and avoidance strategies]. Paper presented at the meeting on "Neurologic and psychiatric symptoms" as part of an advanced diploma in palliative care organized by the Universities of Louvain, Brussels and Liège. Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels, Belgium.

Vermeulen, N., Luminet, O., & Corneille, O. (2002, September). Effects of congruent and incongruent primes on positive and negative words : Is it moderated by the alexithymia level ? In R. De Raedt (Chair), Implicit cognition and emotional disorders : A tapestry of experimental paradigms with clinical relevance. Symposium conducted at the 32th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Luminet, O. (2002, September). The flashbulb memory network: History of an idea. Paper presented at the first meeting of the Flashbulb Memory Network, Polignano a Mare, Italy.

Luminet, O. (2002, September). Applicative issues of the September 11th study. Paper presented at the first meeting of the Flashbulb Memory Network, Polignano a Mare, Italy.

Constantin, T., & Luminet, O. (2002, September). The first research work of the Flashbulb memory network: General findings and comparative results. Paper presented at the first meeting of the Flashbulb Memory Network, Polignano a Mare, Italy.

Curci, A., Luminet, O., Marsch, E., Wessel, I., Constantin, T., Gencoz, F. & Yogo, M.(2002, July). Flashbulb memories for the terrorist attack to the WTC and the Pentagon. In A. S. de Rosa (Chair), Social memory and emotional impact towards traumatic collective events: The 11th September 2001. Symposium conducted at the 13th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, San Sebastian, Spain.

Luminet, O., Luts, A., Cool, G., & Buysschaert, M. (2002, May). Does alexithymia represent a vulnerability factor for the course of insulin dependent diabetes? Paper presented at the 4th Dutch conference on Psychology and Health, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.

Luminet, O. (2002, April). Souvenirs flashes, mémoire collective et émotion. [Flashbulb memory, collective memory, and emotion]. Paper presented at the meeting on “Cognition and Emotion” organized by the doctoral school on “Psychology, cognition, and communication”, University of Rennes, Rennes, France.

Luminet, O., Vermeulen, N., Demaret, C., Bagby, R. M., & Taylor, G. J. (2002, March). Effects of levels of processing, alexithymia and the nature of the material on recall. In R. M. Bagby (Chair), Validating the alexithymia construct: Evidence from experimental studies. Annual convention of the American Psychosomatic Society, Barcelona, Spain.

Luminet, O. (2001, December). Alexithymia is associated with deficits in the processing of emotion: Evidences from the levels of processing and the affective priming paradigms. Paper presented at the Department of Psychology, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.

Luminet, O., Bagby, R. M., & Taylor, G. J. (2001, September). An evaluation of the absolute and relative stability of alexithymia in patients with major depression. Paper presented at the 6th conference of the European Association of Psychological Assessment, Aächen, Germany.

Curci, A., Luminet, O., Finkenauer, C., & Gisle, L. (2001, July). Flashbulb memories in social groups: A comparative test-retest study of the memory of French president Mitterrand’s death in a French and a Belgian group. In I. Wessel (Chair), Emotion and memory. Symposium conducted at the 3rd International Conference on Memory, Valencia, Spain.

Luminet, O., Bagby, R. M., Taylor, G. J., Vermeulen, N., & Demaret, C. (2001, July). Alexithymia and the processing of emotion: Effects of the level of encoding and the valence of the stimulus on recall. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Memory, Valencia, Spain.

Luminet, O., Rimé, B., & Wagner, H. L. (2000, November). The relationship between naturalistic and self-report measures of intrusive rumination. In C. Papageorgiou and G. Siegle (Chairs), Depressive rumination: Nature and consequences. Symposium conducted at the 34th meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Luminet, O. (2000, November). Alexithymia and levels of processing: Effects of the encoding of neutral and emotional information on retrieval. Paper presented at the research colloquim in cognitive psychology, Department of psychology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA.

Luminet, O. (2000, September). L’alexithymie: Modèles théoriques, recherches empiriques et implications thérapeutiques. [Alexithymia : Theoretical models, empirical research, and therapeutic implications]. Paper presented at the Centre hospitalier Jean Titeca, Brussels, Belgium.

Luminet, O., Bagby, R. M., & Taylor, G. J. (2000, August). Effects of levels of processing, alexithymia, and emotion on the recall process. In T. Mayne (Chair), New voices in emotion research. Symposium conducted at the 11th Conference of the International Society for the Research on Emotion, Quebec City, Canada.

Luminet, O., Bagby, R. M., & Taylor, G. J. (2000, July). Alexithymia and levels of processing: Differential effects based on the valence of the stimulus. Paper presented at the 10th European Conference on Personality, Cracow, Poland.

Luminet, O. (2000, February). Le construct d’alexithymie: Etat de la recherche et applications cliniques. [The alexithymia construct : research and clinical applications]. Paper presented at the research colloquium of the clinique Sans Souci, Brussels, Belgium.

Gay, M.C., Luminet, O., & Philippot, P. (1999, November). Evaluation comparée de l'hypnose et de la relaxation dans le cadre du traitement de la douleur de l'arthrose de la hanche et du genou [Differential effectiveness of psychological interventions for reducing osteoarthritis pain: A comparison of hypnosis and relaxation]. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Société Française de la Douleur, Lille, France.

Luminet, O. (1999, November). Investigations empiriques du construct d’alexithymie [Empirical studies on the alexithymia construct]. Paper presented at the research seminar of the Psychiatry Department, Erasmus Hospital, Free University of Brussels (ULB), Belgium.

Luminet, O., & Bagby, R. M. (1999, September). The relationship between alexithymia and the Five Factor Model of personality: A facet analysis. In J. Oldham & R. Weinryb (Chair), Personality disorders assessment. Symposium conducted at the 6th International Congress on the Disorders of Personality - Managing Complexity: Mind, Brain, Body and Abnormal Personalities, Geneva, Switzerland.

Curci, A., Luminet, O., Finkenauer, C., Gisle, L., & Lories, G. (1999, July). Flashbulb memories for an expected event: The death of François Mitterrand. In B. Rimé, G. Bellelli, & D. Paez (Chair), Rehearsal and remembering of important events: Interpersonal and collective processes. Symposium conducted at the 12th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Rimé, B., Luminet, O., Finkenauer, C., & Zech, E. (1999, July). Emotional episodes and emotional remembering: Social impact. In B. Rimé, G. Bellelli, & D. Paez (Chair), Rehearsal and remembering of important events: Interpersonal and collective processes. Symposium conducted at the 12th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Rimé, B., Finkenauer, C., Luminet, O., & Zech, E. (1999, June). Social sharing of emotion: Individual and social functions. Keynote lecture presented at the Second International Conference on "the (Non)Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

Luminet, O., & Bagby, R. M. (1999, May). Evaluating stability and change in alexithymia. In G. Crombez (Chair), Health Psychology. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society, Ghent, Belgium.

Luminet, O. (1999, March). Disorders of emotion processing and emotion regulating: Empirical investigation of the alexithymia construct. Paper presented at the research colloquium in clinical psychology, Department of Psychology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA.

Luminet, O. (1999, February). Testing the empirical validity of the alexithymia construct: Physiological, behavioural and cognitive components. Paper presented at the research round of the Mood and Anxiety Disorders Division, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Clarke Division, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

Curci, A., Finkenauer, C., Gisle, L., & Luminet, O. (1998, October). Incredibile, ma non inatteso. Uno studio sul ricordo condiviso della morte di F. Mitterrand. [Unbelievable, but not unexpected. A study on the collective memories related to the death of F. Mitterrand]. Paper presented at the Italian National Meeting of Social Psychology, Firenze, Italy.

Luminet, O., Finkenauer, C., & Gisle, L. (1998, August). An emotional-integrative model of flashbulb memories formation. In G. Bellelli (Chair), Emotions and collective memory. Symposium conducted at the 10th Conference of the International Society for the Research on Emotion, Wuerzburg, Germany.

Luminet, O., & Rimé, B. (1998, August). Assessing the empirical validity of alexithymia: Its predictive value for various levels of emotional responding when exposed to an eliciting situation and when re-evoking it verbally. Paper presented at the 10th Conference of the International Society for the Research on Emotion, Wuerzburg, Germany.

Luminet, O., & Rimé, B. (1998, July). Social sharing of emotion as one way of coping with emotional events. How is it predicted by intensity of the situation, the Big Five and alexithymia? In S. Kreitler (Chair), Coping with stress in life situations. Symposium conducted at the 9th European Conference on Personality, Guildford, United Kingdom.

Luminet, O. (June, 1998). Les conséquences des événements émotionnels: Etude des prédicteurs et des fonctions de la rumination mentale et du partage social de l’émotion. [Consequences of emotional events: Predictors and functions of mental rumination and social sharing of emotion]. Paper presented at the University of Montpellier, Laboratory for Cognitive and Experimental Psychology, Research Unit on Memory and Cognitive Processes, Montpellier, France.

Luminet, O., & Rimé, B. (1998, May). Is alexithymia a useful concept for predicting life satisfaction? In B. Garssen (Chair), (Un)healthy emotions. Symposium conducted at the 2nd Dutch Conference on Psychology and Health, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.

Luminet, O. (1997, November). Effect of emotional intensity on the social sharing of emotion: First experimental evidence. Paper presented at the meeting of the Consortium of European Research on Emotion, Paris, France.

Gay, M. C., Luminet, O., & Philippot, P. (1997, September). Is hypnosis an effective treatment in osteoarthritis pain and disability? Paper presented at the 11th conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Bordeaux, France.

Luminet, O., & Rimé, B. (1997, September). Is alexithymia related to a deficit in emotional regulation? In J. L. Pedinielli (Chair), Alexithymia. Invited symposium conducted at the 11th conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Bordeaux, France.

Luminet, O., & Rimé, B. (1997, July). Towards a behavioral validation of alexithymia. In S. Kreitler (Chair), Alexithymia. Symposium conducted at the 8th meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences, Aarhus, Denmark.

Luminet, O. & Rimé, B. (1997, May). Is alexithymia predictive of emotional responding? Testing the empirical validity of the concept of alexithymia. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society, Brussels, Belgium.

Finkenauer, C., Gisle, L., & Luminet, O. (1997, May). Social processes in autobiographical memory: The special case of Flashbulb memories. Paper presented at the Small-group Meeting on Collective Memory, Polignano a Mare, Italy.

Luminet, O., Bouts, P., Rimé, B, & Manstead, A.S.R. (1996, July). Social sharing of emotions: Experimental evidence. In B. Rimé (Chair), Social sharing of emotions: Intrapersonal and interpersonal aspects. Symposium conducted at the 11th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Gmunden, Austria.

Luminet, O. (1996, January). Le rôle des dimensions de différences individuelles dans les processus de confrontation aux épisodes émotionnels négatifs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Psychology Department, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Wagner, H.L., Luminet, O, & Zech, E. (1995, September). The relation between alexithymia, social sharing of emotion and mental rumination. In B. Rimé (Chair), Spontaneous disclosure and social sharing of emotion: Relations with emotional relief, physical health and social reintegration. Symposium conducted at the joint meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology and the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, Washington, DC.

Finkenauer, C., Luminet, O., Gisle, L., van der Linden, M., & El-Ahmadi, A. (1995, May). Flashbulb memories and the underlying mechanisms of their formation: The death of the Belgian King Baudouin. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Luminet, O., Rimé, B., & Gomrée, M. (1994, May). Negative emotional events, intrusive thoughts, and their long-lasting consequences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society, Liège, Belgium.

Luminet, O. (1993, December). Experimental investigations of the social sharing of emotion. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Working Group on Social Psychology and Personality of the Belgian Psychological Society, Brussels, Belgium.

Unpublished manuscripts

Luminet, O. (1997). Les processus de confrontation aux événements émotionnels: Investigation empirique de la rumination mentale et du partage social de l'émotion, étude de leurs prédicteurs situationnels et dispositionnels. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Louvain at Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Luminet, O., & Panier, J. (1997). L'alexithymie, le partage social et la rumination mentale [Alexithymia, social sharing and mental rumination]. Unpublished manuscript. University of Louvain at Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Luminet, O., & Gomrée, M. (1996). New experimental evidence of social sharing of emotion. Unpublished manuscript. University of Louvain at Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Wagner, H. L., & Luminet, O. (1996). Awareness of one's own expressive behavior. Unpublished manuscript. University of Manchester, UK and University of Louvain at Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Luminet, O. (1994). Reconfrontation et évitement. Revue critique des facteurs antécédents et de l'efficacité différentielle de deux stratégies de réaction aux épisodes émotionnels [Reconfrontation and avoidance. Review of the predictors and of efficiency of two strategies of reaction towards emotional episodes]. Unpublished master's thesis, Diplôme Européen de Psychologie Sociale Appliquée, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium.


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