Mark Haviland, PhD

Department of Psychiatry
Loma Linda University School of Medicine
11374 Mountain View Avenue
Loma Linda, CA 92354-3842
+909/558-6000, x67411




Professor and Director of Research
Areas of Interest 
Q-methodology and prototypes (alexithymia and psychopathy);
observer alexithymia reports

Haviland MG, Pincus HA, Morales LS. Depression and satisfaction with health coverage and medical care in the 1998 NRC Healthcare Market Guide survey. Adm Policy Ment Health. 2003 Jul;30(6):511-22.

Haviland MG, Pincus HA, Dial TH. Type of illness and use of the Internet for health information. Psychiatr Serv. 2003 Sep;54(9):1198.

Christison GW, Haviland MG. Requiring a one-week addiction treatment experience in a six-week psychiatry clerkship: effects on attitudes toward substance-abusing patients. Teach Learn Med. 2003 Spring;15(2):93-7.

Haviland MG, Morales LS, Reise SP, Hays RD. Do health care ratings differ by race or ethnicity? Jt Comm J Qual Saf. 2003 Mar;29(3):134-45.

Haviland MG, Warren WL, Riggs ML, Nitch SR. Concurrent validity of two observer-rated alexithymia measures. Psychosomatics. 2002 Nov-Dec;43(6):472-7.

Christison GW, Haviland MG, Riggs ML. The medical condition regard scale: measuring reactions to diagnoses. Acad Med. 2002 Mar;77(3):257-62.

Haviland MG, Warren WL, Riggs ML, Gallacher M. Psychometric properties of the Observer Alexithymia Scale in a clinical sample. J Pers Assess. 2001 Aug;77(1):176-86.

Haviland MG, Dial TH, McGhee WH, Pincus HA. Depression and satisfaction with health plans. Psychiatr Serv. 2001 Mar;52(3):279.

Haviland MG, Warren WL, Riggs ML. An observer scale to measure alexithymia. Psychosomatics. 2000 Sep-Oct;41(5):385-92.

Haviland MG. The validity of the California Q-set Alexithymia Prototype. Psychosomatics. 1998 Nov-Dec;39(6):536-9.

Halpern DF, Haviland MG, Killian CD. Handedness and sex differences in intelligence: evidence from the medical college admission test. Brain Cogn. 1998 Oct;38(1):87-101.

Dial TH, Bergsten C, Haviland MG, Pincus HA. Psychiatrist and nonphysician mental health provider staffing levels in health maintenance organizations. Am J Psychiatry. 1998 Mar;155(3):405-8.

Haviland MG. The consequences of having experienced overwhelming stress. Acta Physiol Scand Suppl. 1997;640:163. Review.

Halpern DF, Haviland MG. The correlates of left-handedness: moderating variables in the epidemiology of left-handedness. Ann Epidemiol. 1997 Apr;7(3):165-6

Haviland MG, Reise SP. A California Q-set alexithymia prototype and its relationship to ego-control and ego-resiliency. J Psychosom Res. 1996 Dec;41(6):597-607.

Haviland MG, Reise SP. Structure of the twenty-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale. J Pers Assess. 1996 Feb;66(1):116-25.

Haviland MG, Sonne JL, Woods LR. Beyond posttraumatic stress disorder: object relations and reality testing isturbances in physically and sexually abused adolescents. Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1995 Aug;34(8):1054-9.

Haviland MG, Werner LS, Behrens BL, Killian CD. Preparing for health care reform and an LCME site visit: addressing the generalist-non-generalist imbalance. Acad Med. 1995 Apr;70(4):298-304.

Pincus HA, Haviland MG, Dial TH, Hendryx MS. The relationship of postdoctoral research training to current research ctivities of faculty in academic departments of psychiatry. Am J Psychiatry. 1995 Apr;152(4):596-601.

Dial TH, Haviland MG. Money talks: why debt and specialty choice are not strongly linked. Acad Med. 1994 Jun;69(6):470.

Haviland MG, Hendryx MS, Shaw DG, Henry JP. Alexithymia in women and men hospitalized for psychoactive substance dependence. Compr Psychiatry. 1994 Mar-Apr;35(2):124-8.

Leibenluft E, Dial TH, Haviland MG, Pincus HA. Sex differences in rank attainment and research activities among academic psychiatrists. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1993 Nov;50(11):896-904.

Pincus HA, Dial TH, Haviland MG. Research activities of full-time faculty in academic departments of psychiatry. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1993 Aug;50(8):657-64.

Cummings MA, Haviland MG, Wareham JG, Fontana LA. A prospective clinical evaluation of an equation to predict daily lithium dose. J Clin Psychiatry. 1993 Feb;54(2):55-8.

Clark DC, Gibbons RD, Haviland MG, Hendryx MS. Assessing the severity of depressive states in recently detoxified alcoholics. J Stud Alcohol. 1993 Jan;54(1):107-14.

Anderson DL, Nelson JC, Haviland MG, MacMurray JP, Cummings MA, McGhee WH, Hubbard RW. Thyroid stimulating hormone and prolactin responses to thyrotropin releasing hormone in nondepressed alcoholic inpatients. Psychiatry Res. 1992 Aug;43(2):121-8.

Henry JP, Haviland MG, Cummings MA, Anderson DL, Nelson JC, MacMurray JP, McGhee WH, Hubbard RW. Shared neuroendocrine patterns of post-traumatic stress disorder and alexithymia. Psychosom Med. 1992 Jul-Aug;54(4):407-15.

Hendryx MS, Haviland MG, Gibbons RD, Clark DC. An application of item response theory to alexithymia assessment among abstinent alcoholics. J Pers Assess. 1992 Jun;58(3):506-15.

Haviland MG, Hendryx MS, Cummings MA, Shaw DG, MacMurray JP. Multidimensionality and state dependency of alexithymia in recently sober alcoholics. J Nerv Ment Dis. 1991 May;179(5):284-90.

Hendryx MS, Haviland MG, Shaw DG. Dimensions of alexithymia and their relationships to anxiety and depression. J Pers Assess. 1991 Apr;56(2):227-37.

Haviland MG. Yates's correction for continuity and the analysis of 2 x 2 contingency tables. Stat Med. 1990 Apr;9(4):363-7; discussion 369-83.

Cummings MA, Berga SL, Cummings KL, Kripke DF, Haviland MG, Golshan S, Gillin JC. Light suppression of melatonin in unipolar depressed patients. Psychiatry Res. 1989 Mar;27(3):351-5.

Cummings MA, Haviland MG, Cummings KL, Wareham JG. Lithium dose prediction: a prospective case series. J Clin Psychiatry. 1988 Sep;49(9):373

Cummings MA, Cummings KL, Haviland MG. Use of potassium to treat lithium's side effects. Am J Psychiatry. 1988 Jul;145(7):895.

Haviland MG, Dial TH, Pincus HA. Characteristics of senior medical students planning to subspecialize in child psychiatry. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1988 Jul;27(4):404-7.

Haviland MG, Shaw DG, Cummings MA, MacMurray JP. Alexithymia: subscales and relationship to depression. Psychother Psychosom. 1988;50(3):164-70.

Haviland MG, Shaw DG, MacMurray JP, Cummings MA. Validation of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale with substance abusers. Psychother Psychosom. 1988;50(2):81-7.

Haviland MG, MacMurray JP, Cummings MA. The relationship between alexithymia and depressive symptoms in a sample of newly abstinent alcoholic inpatients. Psychother Psychosom. 1988;49(1):37-40.

MacMurray JP, Nessman DG, Haviland MG, Anderson DL. Depressive symptoms and persistence in treatment for alcohol dependence. J Stud Alcohol. 1987 May;48(3):277-80.

Haviland MG, Pincus HA, Dial TH. Career, research involvement, and research fellowship plans of potential psychiatrists. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1987 May;44(5):493-6.

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