Jochen Müller, PhD


Institute for Psychology
University of Wuerzburg
Marcusstrasse 9-11
97070 Würzburg
+49 (0)931 31 2970
+49 (0)931-888 7059

Areas of Interest 

Alexithymia, Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Expressivity and Health, Emotion Regulation, Behavioral Therapy in chronic Tinnitus


Müller, J., Bühner, M. & Ellgring, H. The assessment of alexithymia: psychometric properties and validity of the Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire (BVAQ). Personality and Individual Differences. (in press).

Müller, J., Bühner, M. & Ellgring, H. Is there a reliable factorial structure in the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia scale? A comparison of factor models in clinical and normal adult samples Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2003; 55, 561-568.

Müller, J., Bühner, M. & Ellgring, H. Relationship and differential validity of alexithymia and depression: a comparison of the Toronto Alexithymia and Self-Rating Depression Scales. Psychopathology, 2003; 36, 71-77.

Müller, J. Physiological and subjective reactions of alexithymic patients to emotion-inducing films. Psychosomatic Medicine, 2002; 64, 88.

Müller, J. Schams, J., & Ellgring, H. Zur Frage der Beurteilbarkeit von Alexithymie durch Patienten und Therapeuten. Verhaltenstherapie, 1999; 9, Suppl. 1, 51.

Vogel, H. & Müller, J. Ambulante und teilstationäre Rehabilitation: Perspektiven aus Sicht der Patient(inn)en und anderer Interessengruppen. Verhaltenstherapie und psychosoziale Praxis, 1999; 31 (1), 41-60.

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Last update: 12/02/2004